Duck of Death Clan: Don't Mess with the Ducks
Welcome to Duck of Death clan site.
Please register if your not already registered.
Login if you are already registered, a member, or a guest.
Please respect our rules, members, admins, and everyone else.
Want to join? Post in our recruitment log, post your wish to join our clan. WE DO NOT RECRUIT ANY HACKERS PERIOD. Our admins WILL spec you and others wishing to join. If you don't hack and want to join, why worry about being watched before your a full member? If you do hack and we know you do.....GET YOUR STUFF AND GET OUT!!!

Thank you and have a wonderful day!!!

|DoD|Doc Holliday
Duck of Death Clan: Don't Mess with the Ducks
Welcome to Duck of Death clan site.
Please register if your not already registered.
Login if you are already registered, a member, or a guest.
Please respect our rules, members, admins, and everyone else.
Want to join? Post in our recruitment log, post your wish to join our clan. WE DO NOT RECRUIT ANY HACKERS PERIOD. Our admins WILL spec you and others wishing to join. If you don't hack and want to join, why worry about being watched before your a full member? If you do hack and we know you do.....GET YOUR STUFF AND GET OUT!!!

Thank you and have a wonderful day!!!

|DoD|Doc Holliday

Duck of Death
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